

Monday, February 6, 2012

We All Miss You, Knox

I started this blog almost a year ago to share the fun and follies Dental Student and I were having when we unexpectedly adopted Havi.  I learned in a short 48 hours what it meant to be a mom to a four-legged being when have Havi got very sick and I carried all then-50 pounds of her two avenues in my pajamas to the nearest vet.  A vet I had never met.  I knew then and there, I would do anything for Havi.

So when Pittieful Love's blog and Facebook Page started reporting that their darling Knox was sick, my heart broke.  Most of us in this blog world have never met, but we share a special kinship.  The need to advocate for an oft-misunderstood breed.  Knox was the perfect ambassador for the breed.  An expert foster brother, a canine blood donor, and the love of his parent's life.

Knox got sick two weeks ago with Mycoplasma Hemocanis.  In a short two weeks, Knox had gotten so sick his parents made the heartbreaking decision to let him go, in his favorite spot in his home.  Its always sad when a pet dies.  Especially such a young one, who had so much left to teach us.  

I frequently find myself thinking of the pups featured on the various blogs as celebrities with amazing personalities, that I would be lucky to meet.  I always felt that if I met Knox he would meet me with a smile, a tail wag, and want to play.  The solace lies in knowing that the past couple of years were the best of his life, and knowing that we all got to share in a little part of it. 

RIP Knox, May 2009-February 3, 2012

In lieu of comments today, please go over to Pittieful Love's Facebook Page and show them the love they are missing today.  

1 comment:

  1. It is the only down side of blogging - especially pet blogs. We get to meet (via the blogs) so many wonderful pets and their parents and when a pet dies, we feel their pain as if it is our own pet. I have lost track of the pets I have cried over when reading of their passing. It is also a constant reminder that our pets sadly do not live as long as we do and the time we get to share with them is short (given the time we humans have on this earth) I have had dogs since I was 5 years old, some have died early but most have died from simple old age. My last little sheltie - she was 18 years old and was still "my baby". You never get use to them passing away, the grief one feels is as real as it is for a human. The hardest thing is making the decision to end their life, you always doubt yourself and wonder 'did I do the right thing?' But true love for a pet, is not thinking about what is best for us and how much WE will miss them - but what is best for them, no longer being in pain - it is kind of sad we don't offer the same respect and dignity to people.
