

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thing You NEED To Check out

Happy Friday everyone!  Havi is helping Law Student prepare for Hurricane Irene (we live in an evacuation zone) while Dental Student takes the first part of his Boards!  Tonight we're heading to night 1 of the Dave Matthews Caravan concert (nights 2 and 3 were cancelled)

Things you NEED to see:

1. Check out Two Pitties in the City and Love and a Six Foot Leash as they try to save an Elderbull, Lady Zabora.  Last time, we helped out save Shy, which led to rescuing and saving two other pitties.  Check out their blog posts to learn how you can help and win some cool prizes.  After all, 14 is the new 7 in dog years, and it "takes a village to save an elderbull."

2. Check out Two Pitties in the City and comment on their latest post because we entered the Tourist in Your Own City contest and the post was written by us!  The most comments on their blog and Facebook page about us wins!

3. Check out Pit Bull Frogs via Road Dog Tales and enter a pic of you pup in the frog pose that may be used in a calendar to raise funds for pups everywhere!  And while you're at it, give us some tips on how to teach Havi this cute pose!

We LOVE this blogging community from Havi as the Dog of the Day, featured on Pitter Patter and True Story Tuesday, winning an antler form Maisie and Me, and wining a portrait from Art By Elizabeth.  Were all lucky pups!


  1. That Irene looks nasty. Take care - oh and Dave Matthews????? My Mommys are SOOOOOOOO Jelly-us!
    Love Noodles

  2. Keep safe. Hope you have a Havi safe place to go if it gets bad.

  3. We're in upstate and are supposed to be getting some of Irene too... I hope you have somewhere safe to go!

  4. Oh wow, stay safe! I didn't realize you guys were in an evac zone. I'm hoping that we'll just get some nasty rain storms (we're a little more inland) but preparing for the worst.

  5. Hey Havi!
    Wow, sounds like you're busy there. I know you'll make sure everyone is safe. Good luck to Dental Student! Road Dogs are pawesome and I love the frog pose idea! I do it naturally, so I can't help explain how...just let yourself roll around and stretch and see what happens! BOL Keeping my paws crossed that the weather isn't too bad.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  6. Stay safe, we heard about the evacuation on NPR and we immediately thought of you guys.

  7. We are thinking about you guys today. Please stay dry and safe. Tell little Havi to not make to many big splashes!

  8. how did y'all fare? and, thanks for the shout out here. so nice.
